End of Year Appraisals
2022-06-21As we approach the end of this academic year it is important to be planning for your end of year appraisal meetings with both teachers and support staff. Key points to remember are as follows:-
- The annual appraisal review should be a summary of performance over the whole of the year, the outcome should not be a surprise to the employee as any performance concerns should have been discussed previously so the person has sufficient opportunity to improve.
- All teachers must receive an annual written appraisal report which should include an assessment of their performance and a recommendation on pay progression by 31st October at the latest although many schools plan to complete their reviews and set objectives for the coming year towards the end of the summer term.
- Any qualified teacher can apply to be paid on the Upper Pay Range, usually once a year, by applying in writing following the procedure laid down in your pay policy. An application to be paid on the Upper Pay Range is successful when it is evidenced by two successful and consecutive appraisal reviews in line with your pay policy and the Governing Body is satisfied that the teacher is highly competent in all areas of the Teachers’ standards and that their achievements and contributions are substantial and sustained.
Support Staff
- There is no statutory requirement for support staff to have an appraisal; but it is best practice however there are no set dates by when support staff appraisals should be completed and generally there is no link between performance and pay progression for support staff unless your pay policy states otherwise.
The Appraisal Meeting
Both appraiser and appraisee should prepare for the meeting. Appraisers should ensure they have a sound knowledge of the pay and appraisal policies, the person’s performance and their results to their objectives. Appraisees should prepare by reflecting on their key achievements throughout the year, any issues or challenges they have had to overcome, their performance to their objectives and the relevant role standards as well as gathering any evidence they wish to present.
At the appraisal meeting the majority of the talking should be done by the appraisee. The discussion should consider the environment the person has been operating in throughout the year and the resources which have been available to them. It is important to consider whether any circumstances outside the person’s control need to be taken into account when assessing performance. The discussion should also cover:-
- Key achievements and successes over the year;
- What factors may have impacted on performance;
- Progress to objectives;
- Performance against relevant standards;
- The impact of any CPD or training received;
- A pay recommendation, where appropriate;
- A discussion around future objectives although these may be finalised separately.
If you need any further advice or if any of your management team require any performance management or appraisal training please contact us at Just People HR on 01768 216775 or by email at getintouch@justpeoplehr.com.